Becoming a Member entitles you to:
By joining HTMA, you have the ability to make your membership work for you. HTMA international members have access to the largest international network of hospitality and tourism educators, industry professionals, students, corporations and associations, academic and industry resources, opportunities, and publications with the latest research, innovations and trends in hospitality & tourism – invaluable in both the classroom and in business operations. Members gain access equally to valuable insights and marketing expertise while enjoying a professional venue in which to network and promote their business. Click to
Project Funding for MembersMembers of the Hospitality and Tourism Marketing Association are eligible for any project funding specially for any Hotel and Tourism Project or any other sectors like airline business, tour operators, travel agencies, tourism development, resorts development, golf landscaping and design and so on.
As a world's leader in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing Association, HTMA supports members to upgrade their level of education through training and/or higher education in with any of our member-universities, or other colleges and institutions. Our members will be trained to physically contribute in the social and economic development of their country so as to reverse any crisis on their way and support the country by creating jobs through innovation in their sectors of development. This is where HTMA supports its members by putting emphasis on the funding support through its fund and other financial sponsors. Ship Chandling and Ship Supply ServicesOne of the important sector for funding, internship, development, partnership and investment is the Ship Chandling and Ship Supply activity which is supported by HTMA as priority sector.
This is where our members enjoys the HTMA benefits and improve their life by creating new business enterprises and grow their activity rapidly. |
Students from any countries who are members of the HTMA may are eligible for the following scholarships:
Full Scholarship for Campus Study Full Scholarship for Distance Education Full Scholarship for Research Study Semi or Part Scholarship for Campus Study Semi or Part Scholarship for Distance Education Semi or Part Scholarship for Research Study For full scholarship students members must meet all the entry requirements of the university in question. Student Members of HTMA are also eligible for financial aid and grants offered frequently by our university-members. Applicants must meet all the entry requirements established by each university. |
Students members of the HTMA may also benefit internships and training in hotels of repute in various countries. Internship requisites must also be fulfilled by each applicant.HTMA has arrangement in at least 75 countries with hotels, resorts, travel agencies, tourist information centers, hotel schools, golf clubs, restaurants, casinos, cruise vessels and other sectors of the hospitality and tourism sectors for internships, training and job placement.HTMA members are highly considered by those employers and sponsors. |