Become a Member
HTMA is committed to being the best destination sales, marketing and visitor servicing organization in the world.
We accept membership enquiries from selected businesses to further enhance our supplier product mix, and assist us in our sales and marketing initiatives. As a member based organization, we focus on our members when promoting our members countries to our clients as a destination for their meetings and conventions needs and their group or individual travel options. As a Member, you can take advantage of a wealth of hospitality and tourism marketing opportunities and expertise from our specialist teams. You are encouraged to actively engage in your membership, and as a component of a well-designed marketing plan; membership should provide you with the tools necessary to support your existing marketing initiatives. Whether you are looking for brand exposure in our official guides or our marketing campaigns, market research to assist you in your business planning, or are looking for networking opportunities with key tourism industry partners, becoming a Member offers all of these benefits and more. Complimentary benefits include a listing on HTMA inclusion in at least one of our publications, complimentary city maps and guides, brochure racking in our Visitor Center, admission to business workshops and select networking events, access to our convention calendar, access to the expertise of our tourism energy specialist, as well as leads, referrals and service requests from our sales teams. If you think your business will be a fit with our initiatives and objectives please contact us. A membership professional will contact you to discuss the application process and applicable category fees. We can then discuss ways which you feel your business and HTMA could mutually benefit from your participation, and discover how we can work together. |